
About Me

I have been working with paper for about 15 years. I was brought up to be crafty! My mum got us sewing, stencilling, drawing and printing form an early age. I was about 30 when I realised I could actually work with that! 

My Favourite Things

My hobbies are anything crafty. Paper cutting is also my hobby so I am always playing with that. I have also just written my first novel which was really good fun and satisfying to finish!

My Area of Expertise

My areas of expertise are Jewellery making, pottery, wreath making I work as an artist so I like to try anything., but mainly I am a paper cutting artist and I exhibit work and take commissions. 

Favourite Session

Flower Crowns

Area Covered

Sussex, Surrey, Crawley, Horsham, Little Haven, Billingshurst, Storrington, Worthing, Burgess Hill, Uckfield

I really enjoyed the whole experience which was all new to me. Suz and Lucille were so helpful, and the quilt turned out fab!
— Margaret H, Patchwork, Oct 2023