I am passionate about helping others enjoy creative arts and making something they can take home and be proud of.
My Favourite Session
I am passionate about helping others enjoy creative arts and making something they can take home and be proud of.
My Favourite Session
My favourite thing about running any creative workshop is showing that literally everyone has the ability to be creative, even if you've never felt like it before. Something magic happens when you decide to give it a go.
My Favourite Session
There's nothing better than seeing the face of a Hen looking at what they've made, who at the start of the session said 'I'm not very Crafty’
My Favourite Session
I love running the Crafty Hen workshops. They are fun and it’s great to see how ‘crafty’ so many people are!
My Favourite Session
It's never just about making things, it's about passing on the skills and knowledge, and sharing the pleasure of being creative!
My Favourite Session
Bunting and Patchwork; also Fascinators. It's hard to choose just one!